We went to Missouri to visit my family. This is my sister, Samantha and my adorable nephew A.j
We periodically dog sit our neighbor pups, Max and Pnut
Growing up too fast. All four of us! We have a lot of birthdays in the summer months!
We went to American Fork Canyon
If you are still there.......we have also had a busy past few weeks. We took a trip to Maryland to see Mike's brothers wedding. We took that opportunity to do a little sight seeing as well. We went to the Naval Acadamy, Gettysburg, D.C., saw friends in Virginia, and had a grand ol' time.
Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas '09 were all fantastic,
Jake turned one in Jan.....so adorable. he does lots of things.....you know, walking, talking, eating and all that jazz....but he does NOT do well with strangers, vacations, or being tired or sick. Just so ya know!
Valentines 2010 was incredible. We ate lots of food at Mike's parents house.
St. Patricks 2010- was a lot of fun. I think we wore green.
Easter was a lot of fun too. We got to spend time with Mike's parents and some of the siblings!
Mike's birfday was fun. He's old.
My birthday was fun! I was spoiled (what's new)
Sean's birthday is coming up. Wahooo! He's so excited. We "window shop" everyday for it!
ok, so now that I have updated you on our incredibly exciting lives. Can we still be friends? Can we start over?
I......love........youuuuuuu (my kids do this all day only they say, "I......love.....dadeeeeeeeee")
Peace out.