Thursday, April 8, 2010

I'm a lucky one!

Oh my Jakey!

He gets this face a lot. With relatives, strangers, actually anyone not Mom, Dad, or Sean. But, if you can ever get past this part......

And this part......

And, even this "I'm thinking you might be okay"part.......

You could see his sweet, kissy face, lay on your lap, talk your ear off side

If you're lucky........

He might even laugh and give you the big juicy kind of kiss......

If you're lucky!


Lara said...

Oh, he is soooooo adorable! I love his big blue eyes!

Jessie said...

He is so cute! And you look smokin'! :)

sachiko said...

Soo cute! I think both of the boys have your eyes... but neither of them have Clara's teeth. Oh well, not all things are perfect :)

Jaimee said...

I love Jakey even though he hates me! I think those pictures represent one of two times I've seen him smile. I guess I'm just intimidating. He's cute even when he's not smiling!

Caitie said...

Look, I just love this kid! Okay?

Clark and Alicia said...

Oh my, is he's so STINKIN' cute! I can't believe how much he's grown! Wow, his big blue eyes are amazing too!

Abbie said...

just cruisin blogland and came across your blog. your boys are just beautiful. my sisters' kids all have those crazy long eyelashes that i'd pay good money to have. too stinkin cute!